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The WA Government’s 47% infill target creates great opportunities and great challenges.


Infill projects, by definition, are in established places and they often represent significant change for existing communities.  These projects take a genuine commitment to consultation, a transparent, design- led approach, and commercial awareness.




In collaboration with Stockland, CLE Town Planning + Design has coordinated the design, subdivision and statutory approvals for the Clontarf Road Beaconsfield medium density development precinct. 

The project showcases innovation of medium density at a precinct scale, comprising approximately 210 dwellings and a diversity of housing types, tenure and sizes to suit all segments of the market. 

CLE managed the design review advisory committee process through the City of Fremantle and undertook substantial negotiation with both the City of Fremantle and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) for urban design innovation and to achieve progressive home designs under the new Medium Density R-Codes Volume 1. 

The project is based around a series of generous public open space corridors and laneways to remove cars from streets and create a pedestrian friendly suburban environment. All homes are terraces 2-3 stories in height with a selection of single bedroom ‘Fonzie’ multiple dwellings to contribute precinct diversity. 

To facilitate development, CLE has also been engaged to prepare and guide a local development plan to vary deemed-to-comply development standards under the Medium Density R-Codes Volume 1 and to facilitate development outcomes intended via the approved subdivision. Further coordination of design advisory committee review and design negotiation with agencies was required to facilitate certainty and an efficient approvals system for Stockland. 

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Image Sources: Plus Architects



CLE Town Planning + Design is pleased to be working with Hesperia to progress a Precinct Structure Plan for the ‘Nedlands Reserve’ project on Smyth Road. This significant master-planned infill site has the potential to deliver apartments, townhouses, and commercial floorspace complementary to the nearby residential and medical-oriented areas. CLE Town Planning + Design and the project team are balancing the WAPC’s and local government’s expectations for a high-yielding outcome with the community’s interest in building heights, bulk and scale being sympathetic to the low-density, leafy characteristics of the adjacent Nedlands neighbourhood. 


CLE Town Planning + Design’s role is to prepare and obtain approval for several planning documents, including a design-led Precinct Structure Plan under the WAPC’s Precinct Design Guide, a Local Planning Scheme amendment to facilitate a mix of uses along Monash Avenue, R-Codes variations as part of Hesperia’s Design Guidelines as a Local Planning Policy and subdivision applications. We are providing a variety of planning and design-related advice and presenting to the Design Review Panel, the community, the Council and the WAPC at key points.

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Image Source: Hesperia

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